Saturday, 7 July 2012

So...Who am I? (An overview of where ive been and where i want to go)

***Apologies if I bore you the recipient, but i thought it neccessary to contextualise the blog, allowing you to know who the author is, aswell as an outlet to introduce myself, rather than just post random passages of text that illustratively have no connection to the writer. Hereafter i shall more often than about sport.
Below is a brief match report ive been sitting on for weeks that i would of posted sooner. (end of the academic year etc exams come first)

Well, im a student, living in Leeds, West Yorkshire but dont let that put you off. I have a passion for sport and writing about sport through the guise of multiple mediums and media outlets.

As it stands im 24, left school at 18 having no real direction in my life (who does at 18?) I attained a full time job in a logistics firm, for which my brother worked, warehousing work based primarily on night shifts accumulating 40 hours a week.
Not particularly enthralling brain stimulus, more practical hands on manual labour, however the money was good, which for an 18 year old was a big incentive.

Over time, four years being my overall tenure, i learned many facets of responsibilities available to me, even achieving an NVQ in warehousing and storage (oh the heady heights of success), with motivations to climb the ladder in the company.
Alas, this wasnt to be, with no room for manuever, at 20/21; i considered my options.

Having previously disregarded education as i had become disillusioned with the institution of it all, the time had come to have a rethink, what do i want to do with my life? or perhaps less cut and dry, what am i passionate about? what do i love to do? and what am i good at?

The answers to these questions were consistent and unwaivering....Sport, Writing.

With these revelations surely...i could write about sport? Journalism is my field to aspire to, an industry i wish to break into. As at school i loved english and the manipulation of language, therefore those strengths can only be of benefit to me.

I had to make financial sacrifices of course, unable to continue working fulltime at my place of occupation which has hit me the hardest, but without sounding cliche the support of my family was key.

I enrolled at Park Lane College in Leeds, at the age of 22, enlisting in Btec Media and Film Studies at A level respectively.

Fast forward 2 years and ive successfully come out the other end so to speak.
Attaining a final grade of Distinction Merit on my media course, i achieved a B grade in film studies last year and am awaiting my final grade in A level which is due in August.

Amid all this culmination, i am embroiled in applying for student finance and accommodation, acquiring a conditional offer to Huddersfield University to study Sports Journalism.

This is a stage i often questioned whether i would get to...but here i am, bring on the next exciting phase.

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